Ferns and fern-relatives:
Clubmoss species
alpinum Isl : Litunarjafni En : Alpine Clubmoss Nl : Alpenwolfsklauw |
Lycopodium annotinum Isl : Lyngjafni En : Interrupted Clubmoss Nl : Stekende wolfsklauw |
Missing No photo |
Lycopodium clavatum Isl : Burstajafni En : Stag's-horn Clubmoss Nl : Grote wolfsklauw |
selago Isl : Skollafingur En : Fir Clubmoss Nl : Dennenwolfsklauw |
Selaginella selaginoides Isl : Mosajafni En : Lesser Clubmoss Nl : Keltische of IJslandse dennenwolfsklauw |
open list of true ferns with single or compound leaves with only primary leaflets
open list of true ferns with at least secondary or higher order leaflets