FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Hippuris vulgaris, Mare's-tail, Lófótur

Hippuris vulgaris; The Mare's-tail is rather strange plant. It grows on very wet soils, often in water. On first glance one might think this plant is a horsetail species (these are primitive ferns - check out that list). This however, is not true: it is a perfectly regularly flowering plant. The flowers are very small (in the leaf axils) and as such often go unnoticed. In wet areas they are common.
Traditionally it was a member of the Hippuridaceae family but is now regarded as to be a member of the Plantain-family (Plantaginaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Lófótur.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Plantain family members and relatives to the Plantain family

Other Plantain family members and relatives to the Plantain family

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Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

Natural History of Iceland Site  Dutch